Instances When a personal Injury Lawyer May choose to Go to Court

One fact that has never overcome time is the belief that personal injury claims settle outside-of-the-court. In fact, even when the lawyer decides to go to court, there is always room for settling the matter outside of the court walls. And on the question of what can trigger your lawyer to go the court route, are some of these cases. See more here.

Difficulty Negotiating 

In some situations, the at-fault party may agree to the negligence blamed on them, but the insurance company may refuse to pay. Today, not every insurance company is willing to pay the correct compensation amount, even with the most evident cases where their clients are at fault. Such scenarios will only force your lawyer to take the matter to court.  Read about Factors to Consider When Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer here.

The Other Party Doesn’t Prefer Settling.

While settling is the best way to handle compensation claims, often, it comes with some shortcomings that can disadvantage one party. Should this happen in your case, the lawyer will not have anywhere else to go but the court to ensure all the parties get whatever they want. This may include circumstances where the at-fault party feels the investigation or the amount they should pay is not fair. 

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